Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Science Fair Projects & Google

Manny's science teacher required everyone to enter the science fair this year. He announced to us that he wanted to build a hovercraft. Not wanting to discourage him, I held my tongue but the look on my face revealed my doubt as to whether that was a realistic endeavor. I mean, when I was Manny's age (okay I sound like my dad already) science fair projects consisted of paper mache volcanoes and rock candy. 

Apparently things have changed. Today going to a science fair is like cramming 50 episodes of Mythbusters into an auditorium. With the click of a button, Manny and his project partner, Brandon, found instructions on how to build a hovercraft, went to the garage in search of supplies, and made a call to Uncle Ryan for power tools and expertise. 1 piece of plywood, 1 shower curtain, 1 leaf blower and lots and lots of duct tape later, they had a bonafide hovercraft!

This vehicle actually withstood the weight of a 5'10" teen with no problem. Manny came home from school a proud young man telling us of his presentation and all the attention his project received.  We were proud, surprised, and impressed parents.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Evening Ride

Jonathan and I went for a bike ride around the neighborhood tonight.  I realized that I might be taking this "capture the moment on camera for the blog" enthusiasm too far when I whipped out the camera (the one that's as big as a brick) and with one hand turned it on and opened the lens cover while the other tried to steer and brake at the same moment we reached a downhill point. I had a choice to make. A. take the picture while gaining speed and risk flying head over bike if I tried to brake or B. Try to put the camera back in my pocket and minimize the risk of injury to myself or old faithful (my camera). I chose option "B" but not before snapping one for good measure. The blur down the side walk is Jonathan. He likes to race.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hypothetically Speaking

What would happen if someone neglected to read the whitening strips box that said leave on for 5 minutes and left them on for 30?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Perspective: Ridiculous!

I go to put on my make-up and discover someone has been in my drawer. My eyeshadow has distinct gouges in the pressed powder and the drawer is in disarray.  If I had toddlers this would be understandable but the youngest in the house is 10 YEARS OLD! Aren't we over this yet? (HUFF!) 


"Yeah, mom."

"Did you touch my make-up and make this mess?"


(HUUUUFFFF!) "Jonathan, you know you're not supposed to touch this now CLEAN IT UP! And unless you have the money to replace what you destroy, DON'T TOUCH IT AGAIN! You're too old for this! When are you going to learn? What are you smiling about? This isn't funny! "

As he leaves, I glance in the mirror.  I didn't realize this before in my anger and frustration but somehow I'd managed to get charcoal gray shadow on my nose. RIDICULOUS! 

Life Lesson: Look in the mirror before you go off on someone.

Connecting the Dots (A look inside of an ADD brain)

I was hangin' out with my friend Stacia on my day off and it occurred to me, I finally have a label for her unique talent of retaining all kinds of seemingly useless information. I say seemingly because it becomes invaluable when I'm deciding on which brand of MP3 player to buy and where to find the best price. I call HER cause she's like a walking, talking, breathing Consumer Reports Magazine and without a blink of an eye she retrieves the 
information out of her enormous database of a brain... The label? "Market Maven".

Where did I discover this term? From a book I'm reading called Tipping Point about how social epidemics occur and the 3 key types of people who influence them. One of those types is called a Market Maven.  I happened upon this book because my husband was reading it and I have a nasty habit of reading other people's books (that they're not through with).

Where did he get the book? From my sister and bro-in-law for his birthday which was on Jan. 2nd. We celebrated with a low key family dinner at home. His gift was motorcycle riding lessons from me and the boys. I am especially proud of this gift because I am notorious for practical, "frugal" (a nice term for chintzy) and not-so-fun gifts like underwear & socks (hey, he needed them!). I think he was a little shocked that I thought of it all by myself! Now I have this recurring daydream of me gripping tightly around his waist with the wind whipping through my hair as we speed through the North Georgia Mountains to a secluded cabin for a weekend getaway on his new bike (no, he didn't get a bike- lessons first).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We spent the evening with friends at home ushering in the New Year by stuffing our faces (before we have to start those "resolutions"), playing 007 and Catch Phrase, and watching the peach drop as we sprayed silly string and blew our noise makers. Manny only lasted until 10pm because he was out on a 24 hour transport and got home earlier this evening. I guess I'll get my New Year's kiss in the morning. Here's to a blessed 2009!

Jonathan dressed up to greet our friends by stuffing his shirt with balloon muscles and putting on his Ramses mask. He waited anxiously by the door at 7:30pm for their arrival scheduled after 8:30. A long enough wait for him to fall asleep only to be discovered because Manny and I went in search of the strange, rhythmic squeaky sound that turned out to be a result of the balloons rubbing together when he inhaled.