Thursday, July 22, 2010

I had to leave the country in order to post something!

Hello, blog. I have missed you!

I have been having technical problems with both of my blogs. That's why you haven't seen any new posts lately. Apparently whatever problems google was having don't apply here in Dominican Republic. Or they have resolved the problems universally. Either way, I'm back! Manny, Jonathan and I are here in Dominican Republic visiting family and Little Manny is on his mission to Ecuador.

Coming soon: All the great things I wanted to tell you but couldn't!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Let the Summer Begin!

As a surprise for Jonathan's birthday we planned a "Bear Grylls" adventure. Except without having to drink our urine. And we slept in a nice hotel. But the GPS hardly worked because we were so far out in the wilderness so it was pretty much the same. Here's the recap video...

West VA Trip from Denise Collazo on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


As the school year comes to an end, all of the standardized tests, finals, etc. have monopolized our time. We are trying to finish up school this week before our vacation and it looks like a real possibility but leaves room for little else... like, I'll see you as soon as school's out!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This one's for you, Sam!

So...gag gifts. This one I found several weeks ago and thought you'd get a laugh receiving it in the mail for your birthday. You know, to go along with the GIANT underwear Christine always slips in somewhere.

Turns out the joke's on me. When I went to wrap it, I found it was already opened. Apparently someone in our family (who will remain nameless) actually needed it. In their defense, they said it was used for their shoes as a "baby powder" alternative but I think the label is pretty clear as to it's primary use...

So, you won't be receiving it in the mail. HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway!

And guess what?


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Couldn't Be More Proud

There is no greater joy that I, as a mother, have experienced than watching my boys begin to take hold of their faith; embracing their Savior and His will for their lives. Every step they take in that direction leaves me with a giddy anticipation of how they will get to see God work in and through them.

Once a month at our Wednesday Eve. service, there is a baptism. This month several people had signed up to be baptized and lined up to take the plunge. Afterward, Pastor Tony made the invitation for anyone who hadn't signed up but knew it was time. Out of the corner of my eye I sensed Little Manny shift his feet. Not wanting to be over zealous, I sat motionless and focused on my peripheral to see if my mommy senses were correct. With one determined motion, he stood up and bounded down the aisle. Good thing I keep my camera in my bag. I grabbed it and followed him down. Looking to my left, Big Manny races down the other aisle stripping his shirt and kicking his shoes off. (No way someone else is baptizing his son!) Hat, sweatshirt, and shoes...Little Manny was asked if he wanted to take them off but his reply was, "I'm all in." That's my boy!

So, there we were unexpectedly on a Wednesday night. Proud dad. Beaming son. And mom; GIDDY!

American history in our backyard

Manny and I enjoyed a belated anniversary trip to Richmond where we toured the city's historic sights. Living in Virginia has created a desire to re-learn our nations history because so much of it happened right here! (Thomas Jefferson actually designed the capitol building in this picture, inspired by Roman temples.) Our rich heritage becomes more tangible here much like the Bible does after a trip to Israel. Thanks, mom, for watching the boys so we could get away!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Manny's gone Bear Grylls in our backyard!

We've been watching a lot of "Survivor Man" and "Man Vs. Wild". It rubs off on my boys.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Oreo Quad

Perfected by Jonathan.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I'm not one for New Year resolutions. All the initial hype with little follow through. But this year it seems the Lord has been stirring my heart in some areas that He wants to change and it happened to coincide with the new year. That, and the gym membership Manny got me for Christmas were good motivators to commit to some new habits and let go of some old. So, here goes the list in no particular order:

1. Read the Bible in a year with Max Lucado
2. Complete a 40 day fast (currently on day 8 without dessert or sudoku)
3. Read 12 new books (List of books to come)
4. Exercise consistently (started Tuesday with a personal trainer)
5. Write thank you notes for little things
6. Get 8 hours of sleep a day (or at least try to go to bed at a decent hour)
7. Wake up early
8. Take an adventure trip with my boys
9. Commit RAKs throughout the day
10. ...I feel like there should be a "10" to round off the list but can't think of one

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Love!

We celebrated Manny's 36th year window shopping for flat screen TVs, thrift shopping, and enjoying a cozy home cooked meal of beef fillet with rosemary and marinated mushrooms, green beans, and purple sweet potato mash. Instead of cake he got creme brulee, one of his favorites. As we get older, it's the little sentimental things that we appreciate on birthdays. Like my family calling to sing the Beatle's birthday song- no birthday is complete without it!

So here's to the man I love more every year: may number 36 be filled with new adventure, revelation, and hope!